I want to build better working relationships.reco (our version of a quick tip): Find moments throughout the day where you can chat and learn about your co-worker's hobbies and…Jul 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020
I want to improve my presentation skills.Besides practicing making perfect, you should focus on delivering three key points that you’re wanting the audience to leave with.Jul 13, 2020Jul 13, 2020
I want to negotiate my job offer.Remember that most companies will never give you their highest and best offer right out of the gate, use this to your advantage.Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
I want to better plan my career path.Find someone on LinkedIn that has a career path you’re interested in emulating and ask them how they got there, and be specific in your…Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
I Want to Learn How to Build My Network.Don’t overthink what value you have to offer when networking, it can be as simple as a podcast recommendation.Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
I want to improve my resume.Make sure you’re including the impact you had through a key metric for each applicable bullet point on your resume.Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
I want to have an effective 1–1.Try different structures for your 1–1 and try to find one that is most conducive to your working style and environment.Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020